My results from the cognitive style inventory test revealed that I was an ENFJ. This specific test said that I was slightly extraverted, had a slight intuitive personality, and a moderate feeling and judging personality. The category that I scored the highest in was the judging personality category. I scored a forty-four percent in this personality trait. My results from the learning style inventory test revealed that I had more of a social learning style than any of the other styles. I scored an eighteen out of twenty in the social style. My next to the highest scores were in the visual, verbal, and solitary learning styles. I scored an eleven out of twenty in these learning styles. I agree more with the learning style inventory test results than the cognitive style inventory test results because I am a very social person and love to learn or study in a group of people, but I also like to study alone as well. I do not believe that the results from the cognitive test are one hundred percent accurate because I do not feel like I have a judging personality. However, the next to highest personality trait was feeling and I am a very feeling oriented person. Overall, I believe that these results were fairly accurate. As a teacher, these results will help me because they allow me to see the areas I need to improve in order to have an effective classroom. For example, I scored the lowest in the logical style, which is essential to teaching; therefore, I need to improve in that area. As a learner, these results will help me apply my dominate learning styles with my personality traits to better improve the way I learn in a classroom. For example, I can combine my extraverted personality type with my verbal learning style and begin to ask questions when I do not understand a topic.